Offer in Compromise
An Offer in Compromise is an agreement between the taxpayer and the IRS that allows you to pay a reduced amount, often significantly lower than the total owed. The IRS evaluates your financial situation to determine if the reduced payment amount is reasonable based on your income, expenses, assets, and overall ability to pay.
The program is designed for those who:
Cannot afford to pay their full tax debt.
Can demonstrate that paying the full amount would create financial hardship.
Have little chance of paying off the debt in the near future.
Eligibility Criteria:
Inability to Pay Full Amount: You must prove to the IRS that you cannot pay the full tax debt within a reasonable timeframe, either in a lump sum or through an installment plan.
Compliance with Tax Filings: You need to be current with all your tax filings and estimated payments to be eligible for the program.
Offer Based on Income and Assets: The IRS will review your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities to determine if your offer is fair and reasonable based on your ability to pay.

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